Me and my kids
I don't know what comes over me sometimes.....
Driving home from Church I got the strongest impression to write this poem about my kids. I think of them often and love them so much. They will never know just how much. Here it is:
My Children’s Hands
I had 3 children born to me who were perfect in my eyes
Each one had a pair of glorious hands and within them much beauty lies
For each child is so different and unique as they can be
These tiny hands that now are grown; here’s what their mother’s eyes see:
Shannon’s hands once left tiny fingerprints on the walls and so delicate were they
I loved each tiny hand when they wrapped around my neck as she’d say:
I love you mommy or good night or read me a story for bed
And after the story and being tucked in, she would lie down her sweet head.
As the years grew on, those hands did grow and many things did they do
Like swimming and diving and playing the flute, just to name a few
Her hands are now helping hands as she studies as a nurse to be
And wipes away the tears of her own children as they climb upon her knee
She lovingly labors and cleans her house with those hands that once were so small
She softly touches the face of her husband and catches the baby before he falls
These wonderful hands serve many purposes but the most important of these
Is that her hands show love to her family and friends; that’s what her mother sees.
Kelly’s hands look much like her mom’s; a little short and stubby
When she was small those little hands were actually quite chubby
One of her hands withholds a scar when she was warned not to touch
The heat of the curling iron burned that little hand and oh it hurt her so much
It hurt her mom more and both did cry; a lesson they both did learn
Oh if I could be always near to touch those hands her mother’s heart does yearn
These hands also are very talented and quite the flute player was she
Playing alongside her older sister entertaining us as much as can be
Her hands had a knack for doing hair or putting on a fashion show
These talents increased year by year as this daughter did grow
These hands work hard as she labors to make baby food and cloth diapers she uses
Of shirking her work or being lazy none dare accuses!
Her hands serve her own family who she loves with all her heart
Raising her children in the gospel; they have a very good start
Ryan’s small hands loved legos, cars and balls
They reached for his mom whenever he was hurt or would fall
These curious hands loved pictures and drawing
Upon walls and furniture he would write
His mom was not happy with the artwork he made; oh what a sight!
But as Ryan’s hands grew bigger with each passing year
He’s going to grow up and move out was his mother’s biggest fear
Hands with musical talent as he strummed the guitar with his fingers
Made his mother always proud and his family wanting to linger
These hands were also athletic and strong and many interests had he
From throwing a football and basketball to skateboarding endlessly
The hands once so small are now a man’s hands
And humble work do they do
Earning a living but still having fun that’s what his hands do
Today these hands do electrical work
Again he makes his mom proud
My son I am so happy with you I want to shout it out loud
My three children, I love you and know that I always will
Your hands have been blessings to me
Back then, now and forever….still.